Blog: Impact Stories
Sharing how JCF makes a difference in Jefferson County.

Facing Change, Compassionately
Welcome. It’s September, and this month we’re talking about change: how it is necessary and how difficult it can be to navigate.
Joining me in conversation are three nonprofit leaders from Jefferson County: Executive Director Claudia Coppola from Olympic Neighbors, Director Brent Bellamy from Community Boat Project, and Board President Cynthia Osterman from The Benji Project.
Housing Solutions Network
Welcome. It’s May, and this is the first of an ongoing series of conversations I’ll be having most every month with people in Jefferson County about what they love about living here, what they are concerned about and what they are doing about it. I am a relative...
Vintage Gratitude Giving Circle
Giving Circles: Neighbors and Friends Giving TogetherGiving Circles are groups of neighbors, friends and/or family members who donate to a central pool ofcharitable donations and decide together where to donate the funds. In doing so, they discuss socialissues and...
Change Makers Are Our Heroes
Community Boat Project: "The people I love the best jump into work head first." There is a poem is written above the entrance to Community Board Project’s workshop. It is byfeminist, science fiction writer, and social activist Marge Piercy, called To be of use. The...
Changemakers solve regional issues by working together.
JCF serves as a platform for people who care about the same issues to come together to workon solving community challenges. Here are some examples from Q1 2023: Jefferson County Human Services Collaborators Quarterly MeetingPartnering with the YMCA, JCF hosts a...
Permanently Affordable Workforce Housing
The year started with a small group of housing advocates who came to JCF for help. They hadidentified a 17-acre parcel of land in Port Hadlock that seemed ideal for building affordableworkforce housing. They knew that fast action was needed to vet the opportunity and...
Youth Mental Health
This next story is about youth mental health and tells of the magic that happens when generosity ofspirit, inventive ideas, connection and collaboration unexpectedly evolve into something greater thananyone expected when it all started. Let’s start with the happy...
Childcare for Working Families
Lastly, we have a story in early stages about people coming together to increase childcare. JeffersonCounty is considered a “childcare desert,” which is defined as “any census tract with more than 50children under age five that contains either no childcare providers...